Birth Body Wisdom

Nourishing Life and Wellbeing



A Birth Body Wisdom session will be - Vitalistic/Biodynamic Osteopathy and may include (depending on innate need) NSEV and Meridian Healing.


Non-Medical Vitalistic/Biodynamic Osteopathy

A healing model that honors:

  • The healing power of our BodyMindSpirit.

  • The body has a high degree of perfection and is self regulating, self healing, self regenerating, self renewing and maintains healing in every moment throughout life.

  • The body is an indivisible whole > physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


Acupuncture / Non-Somatic 8 Extraordinary Vessels (NSEV)

These are embryonic energy fields and are involved with our pre and post birth life. Life challenges can be due to sluggish movement in the flowing of these vessels. I offer needles, magnets and ion pumping cords. The needles are small diameter and used with shallow insertion to effect the emotional and spiritual fields.

Contact Karen


Located at:
Trinity Shore Wellness Center 1435 Yarmouth Ave. Ste  101 Boulder, CO 80304