Birth Body Wisdom

Nourishing Life and Wellbeing

About Birth Body Wisdom


Our Original Core Blueprint, the Primordial Intelligence of our body, remembers how to be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy. This is the original state of our being. Like ocean waves, our Primordial Intelligence flows throughout our being, healing and nourishing us with exactly what we need in every moment of our lives.


 Through a series of complex movements and precise timing, the embryo expresses its perfection, function and wholeness in every moment of development. This expression doesn’t stop at birth but continues through all phases of our lives. There are inherent memories of these biodynamic forces and movements in our bodies after birth. This is our Origin and evolving force that is with us always.


My job as a manual Osteopath is to find these remnants of the embryonic fields that form us and contain the Perfect Blueprint for health. By engaging these fields, they activate nearby areas of stagnation, synchronizing them with perfect health. Doing a series of activations will release Biophotons (Light) and light up areas that were dark and not flowing with the fields of Health and Wellbeing. I don’t use any force or protocols. A session is fully directed by your Primordial Intelligence. I follow/observe the unwinding and transformation and don’t interfere.


The job of the Practice Member is to align themselves to healthy life practices - diet, exercise, healthy relationships, thoughts, emotions…The Practice Member is responsible for their own health, which is an important principle of Osteopathy.


Birth Body Wisdom enhances any personal healing and meditation practices you may be doing and is well person care for wellbeing.


If you don’t want to travel to my office at this time or driving conditions aren’t safe, I offer Long Distance Birth Body Wisdom sessions online or by phone.

Contact Karen


Located at:
Trinity Shore Wellness Center 1435 Yarmouth Ave. Ste  101 Boulder, CO 80304